Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. 1941-12-11 CBS  Congress Declares War On Germany  KM99's WWII 
 2. 1941-12-07 NHK Gen Hideki Tojo  Declares War On The Allies  KM99's WWII (THE BIG ONE) 
 3. 1938-09-13 MBS Fulton Lewis  Czechoslovakia Declares Martial Law  KM99's WWII (THE BIG ONE) 
 4. 1938-09-13 MBS Fulton Lewis  Czechoslovakia Declares Martial Law  KM99's WWII 
 5. CNET.com  Windows XP-on-Mac contest declares winner   
 6. Douglas William Jerrold  Lecture 12: Mr. Caudle having come home a little late, declares that henceforth 'he will have a key'  Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lectures 
 7. Douglas William Jerrold  Lecture 12: Mr. Caudle having come home a little late, declares that henceforth “he will have a key”  Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lectures 
 8. Garrett O'Hara  Internet columnist declares link between soy and male homosexuality  The Arizona Growler 
 9. Daryl Bradford Smith  2008 01 01 DBS declares 2008 the year to fight harder than ever.  The French Connection 
 10. Daryl Bradford Smith  2008 01 01 Tue. DBS declares 2008 the year to fight harder than ever.  The French Connection 
 11. Terri Susan Fine  The New Congress  SS2007-01-07 
 12. Birdlaw  The Congress of the Cow  Unashamedly 
 13. Steven Taylor  Go Down, Congress  Protest Records 
 14. Paul Jacob  Congress Hikes Pay!  Common Sense, December 29, 2008 - January 9, 2009 
 15. CNN  Buying Congress  CNN 
 16. Douglas MacArthur  #14 Farewell to Congress  Top 100 Speeches 
 17. Brassworks Band  Congress of Vienna  Demo/Dance 
 18. Congressman Roscoe Bartlett  The Sense of the Congress  EVWorld.com Future In Motion Podcast 
 19. Peter Stevenson  Congress audio  Peter Stevenson's Album 
 20. Thomas A. Firey  Congress and Midnight Regulations  Cato Daily Podcast 
 21. Caleb Bingham  Description of the first American Congress  The Columbian Orator 
 22. The Hands and Fee Podcast  Episode 24 - Abu reviews the Congress  Episode 24 - Abu reviews the Congress 
 23. FSRN - Leigh Ann Caldwell  Iraq War Funding again Comes before Congress   
 24. Brian Denzer  UNOP Community Congress #2, 12/2/06, pt. 1  Community Gumbo 
 25. Brian Denzer  UNOP Community Congress #2, 12/2/06, pt. 2  Community Gumbo 
 26. Thomas A. Firey  Congress and Midnight Regulations  Cato Daily Podcast 
 27. Brad Johnson Radio Engineer  Open Note to CONGRESS&FCC  http://www.partytown.com/cmp 
 28. music by saul stokes- floor to flood  Katrina Survivors b4 Congress 1  kahvi.org benfrank.net 
 29. Thomas A. Firey  Congress and Midnight Regulations  Cato Daily Podcast 
 30. Paul Jacob  A Suicide-Inducing Congress?  Common Sense, March 23-27, 2009 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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